Allison Low

Role within the CYP Alliance

I am a Consultant Paediatrician and Clinical Lead for Children and Young People’s Diabetes in the CYP Alliance Team. I am responsible for linking together the five Paediatric Diabetes Units in the region, making sure that we help each other reach the same high standards of care.

Why does it matter?

I am dedicated to improving local services, and I am grateful to have the chance to work with inspiring colleagues who work tirelessly for children and young people affected by diabetes.

My impact

In this role, I have been involved in pilot projects providing funding for Family Support Workers for diabetes teams and I have successfully advocated for and co-produced to a South Yorkshire policy for Continuous Glucose Monitors that ensures children and young people’s access to these devices.

Something a bit different…

When I’m not at work, I love spending time outdoors and can often be found on a walking trail enjoying the fresh air with my family.