CYP Alliance

Who is the South Yorkshire Children and Young People's Alliance and What do we do?

Let South Yorkshire's Children and Young People tell you! Find out more about South Yorkshire Children and Young People's Alliance by clicking this LINK


CYP Alliance Vision

As a whole system collectively listen and respond to children, young people and their families to ensure that every child and young person in South Yorkshire have all the support they need to reach their full potential through integration, improvement and inclusion

How will we achieve the vision?

To achieve this vision we will work together in collaboration with all our South Yorkshire partners and neighbouring ICS system partners, under the umbrella of the Children and Young People’s Alliance.

What do we aim to do?

The Children and Young People’s Alliance brings together providers from across all sectors (acute, primary care, mental health, community services, housing, police, education, voluntary organisations, faith-based leaders) to address areas of local and national priority, with the aim to improve health outcomes and reduce inequalities for children and young people aged 0-25 years.

Since the establishment of the CYP Alliance in July 2021, the members have enabled a space where there is system wide membership, inclusive of all partners, creating a movement for change, addressing inequalities at source for all South Yorkshire Children and Young People.

How do we support the aim?

•       Creating thinking space and opportunities to work together differently to improve outcomes.

•       Collaborating as a system to make change sustainable and improving access for the most vulnerable.

•       Supporting a complex system to work together, facilitate stronger connections and guiding people to the right spaces to work in partnership to create change.

•       Championing co-production.

•       Amplifying the voice of CYP.

•       Being inclusive of mental, physical and spiritual health in all aspects of a child’s wellbeing.

•       Sharing widely research, innovations and outcomes which have made a positive difference.