Co-creating change side by side

It is intentional that the words and pictures you will find in this document are presented in a way that should give you much more than a standard evaluation of the third South Yorkshire Children and Young People’s Alliance Conference. We want you to be able to share in the conferences ambition, to travel with us on our co-creation journey, to sense the energy and power of children and young people coming together in equal partnership to listen, to hear and be heard.

Georgie Lee Digital Artwork - person holding a microphone and a butterfly and a bee alongside the words Poetry workshop
Georgie Lee Digital Artwork - 3 hand drawn people smiling

Digital Images by Georgie Lee

Georgie Lee Digital Artwork the words Breaking cycles illustrated with a broken chain

Our Aim

Following the Children and Young People's Conference in 2023 the teams ambition was to co-create the third Children and Young People Alliance Conference with South Yorkshire children and young people. We wanted to make sure that children and young people's representation was equal to that of professionals. We based conference content on the information children and young people in South Yorkshire told us most matter to them about their health and the social determinants which directly link to the Child Health Equity Collaborative and the developing framework. 

Photograph of Dame Rachel de Souza and Rae Sloan in front of a presentation screen

Our Why - Shared and Created

A core principle of the South Yorkshire Children and Young People Alliance is to champion and amplify the voice and needs of children and young people living in South Yorkshire. The conference provided a safe place with a captive audience to do this, using different creative media to bring the voice of children and young people alive. To be truly impactful it was important that the adults invited into the room have direct decision making powers and have the ability to influence future strategies that will create positive change for children and young people.

This event was crafted to empower young people, giving them a platform to express their ideas, share their stories, and learn from one another in a supportive and vibrant community. 

The Conference placed children and young people centre stage and enabled South Yorkshire strategic leaders for all organisations and positions, from Adult Health and Social Care to the Chief Executive of the Integrated Care Board and Chief Executives of the Local Authorities, to hear not only what matters to children and young people most, but also to make sure what they share creates real change.  


It was fundamental that we co-produced the conference with children and young people being front and centre in the planning and decision making.  

The conference was truly influenced by the contributions of children and young people from the very beginning. They were actively involved in the planning process, ensuring the event was co-produced and authentically represented their perspectives. A key focus was creating a safe and supportive environment where young voices could be heard.

Chilypep, an organisation dedicated to youth participation, facilitated numerous group sessions with young people across South Yorkshire to gather insights and feedback from diverse groups. They engaged with young people in decisions ranging from the quiet room furnishings to the food selection.

The branding and conference title were created and developed by young people, the final title was agreed by the amount of votes it received. Leading up to the conference the young people played a significant role sharing communication messages, including creating an event invitation video for leaders and producing a housekeeping video to guide attendees on the day.

Video documentation of the young people's involvement in the planning. Narrated by young people

Annotated photograph of young people and adults at the conference in a circle. Quotes from participants about the coproduction of the event surround the people in speech bubbles.

Strategic leaders feedback from the day

This video was co-produced with and narrated by young people supported by Chilypep, to ensure that everyone had a good understanding of where things were located at the venue.

On the Day

Photographs of objects and people during the day of the conference

We heard from children and young people themselves as they led dedicated workshops. Young people presented in many different creative forms, giving them the power, space and time they deserved to present what mattered to them most which generated energised and significant conversations with the leaders.

Photograph of artwork from young people annotated with quotes from Strategic leaders with feedback following the morning workshops

Strategic leaders feedback following the morning workshops


Any event takes a huge amount of organisation, and this one was certainly no different. We had a fabulous team who all worked really hard to pull this fantastic even together.

Here is what people told us about the organisation:

Photograph of conference goodie bags annotated with quotes from attendees about the organisation of the event
Photograph of popcorn and conference table items annotated with quotes from attendees about the organisation of the event

Connecting at the Conference

Creating a sense of connection and belonging at a conference was crucial for a meaningful and impactful experience. We wanted to foster connections among attendees and create a strong sense of community. 

Here's what people had to say:

The Afternoon and "The Art of the Possible"

In the afternoon, through the ‘art of the possible’, we wanted to collectively demonstrate what once felt unattainable could, in fact, be achieved. By leveraging the creative arts and creating the right environment and opportunities, we showed that the seemingly impossible could become possible. 

We partnered with darts, who are Doncaster's award-winning participatory arts charity, who led workshops using their creative arts skills to bring together adults and young people. They collaborated to develop solutions and responses to the children and young people’s experiences of health inequalities. The key outcomes included a commitment to involving young people in solution development, adults learning what matters to children and young people, and identifying actions to move forward. 

The workshops brought together children, young people and leaders through creative mediums spanning across poetry, dance, music and theatre. These activities not only provided a platform for young voices to be heard but also encouraged meaningful interactions between, children young people and adults, using creativity as a powerful tool for expression and dialogue.

This event demonstrated the transformative power of creative mediums in bridging the gap between young people and adults, fostering an environment where all voices were valued and heard.

Photograph of the darts team at the conference

Creative team from darts

The Power of Listening and Empathy

Children and young people expressed the need to be genuinely listened to and treated with empathy. They emphasised the importance of being involved in training professionals, ensuring that their perspectives are integrated into the development of those who work with them.

A Glimpse into the Workshops

We learnt how poetry’s power lies in its ability to capture and convey the full spectrum of human emotions and experiences, making it an incredibly relatable and enjoyable form of expression.  

Photographs of patchwork quilt and a paper star

If We Lived In A Beautiful World

Lyrics written by participants of the Art of the Possible
If we lived in a Beautiful World
Ah Aah Ah
If we lived in a Beautiful World
Ah Aah Ah
We’d feel confident and listened to,
included and valuable,
Safe enough to answer true,
Empowered and loveable,
If we lived in a Beautiful World
Ah Aah Ah
If we lived in a Beautiful World
Ah Aah Ah
We will work together side by side
Help each other forever thrive
Break the cycle, turn the tide
Being bold, voices amplified
If we lived in a Beautiful World
Ah Aah Ah
If we lived in a Beautiful World
Ah Aah Ah
Photographs of masks

What Did The Leaders Say About The Day?

People's energy following the conference has been palpable with their experience of the day being overwhelmingly positive. There continues to be an ongoing ripple effect from those who attended. Many participants praised the engaging sessions and interactive activities but also the way the day felt. We wanted to create an environment where minds felt inspired, connected, and a deep sense of belonging. 

photograph of Chief executive officer of SY ICB, Gavin BoyleGavin Boyle   
Chief Executive Officer, South Yorkshire Integrated Care Board

I was at an event yesterday...I have to admit it was one of the most uplifting events I’d been to in a very long time. ... What’s more, the young people had helped to organise it and you could really sense that from the whole conference.... Dame Rachel De Souza, the Children’s Commissioner for England, was an early speaker on how she is listening to children and young people and taking that voice to Government. Dame Rachel said that the biggest thing our young people say today is that no one is listening to them. Thankfully we can say in South Yorkshire we are changing that as the conference very much heard from young people and discussed what they wanted to discuss. It really was a fantastic event.

Damian-Allen photoDamian Allen
Chief Executive Officer, City of Doncaster Council

Attending the conference was an inspiring experience. The dedication and passion of our Doncaster Youth Council members was truly evident as they led their own workshop on their EDit Views Eating Disorders Awareness Campaign. Their creativity and commitment to raising awareness was showcased through their self-developed materials, including banner pens, posters, badges, activities and an engaging youth voice campaign film. They collaborated with attendees on their 'Positivi-tree', circle activity and Learning Bingo. The professionalism and eloquence with which they delivered their campaign filled me with immense pride. Doncaster was represented exceptionally well, and I couldn't be more proud of our Doncaster Youth Council members for their outstanding efforts. They have truly made our city proud.

What did the young people say?

Photograph of popcorn and bottles of water with annotation iin hearts of comments from children and young people about the event

Regular Involvement and Review

Establishing a process that allows for the consistent involvement of children and young people was highlighted as crucial. Regular reviews and feedback loops would ensure that their voices continue to shape ongoing initiatives.

Understanding Leadership

Young participants expressed a desire to understand the motivations and reasoning behind leaders' decisions. They called for leaders to approach their roles with curiosity and an open mind, fostering an environment of mutual respect and learning.


From the inspiring content created in the art workshops, pledges were formulated by both adults and young people. 

  • We pledge to create spaces for children and young people to feel heard and include

  • We pledge to co-create and collaborate with children and young people in all we do

  • We pledge to listen and be curious when we are spending time with children and young people

  • We pledge to share children and young people’s voice when they aren’t able to be present

  • We pledge to include children and young people in the development of new resources and training packages  

  • We pledge to champion the creation of safe spaces and places for children and young people

  • We pledge to spend time understanding the different needs of children and young people when they are in educational settings

  • We pledge to co-create more events like the conference

It’s not about speed, it’s about momentum.

To see and hear the ripple effect following the conference has been incredible. The people who attended have been sharing their experiences both locally and nationally. The power of the children and young people sharing issues that matter the most to them will stay with many people throughout the rest of their career and beyond. This will effect change in the most basic, yet fundamental way. Children and young people have been seen and heard and the key messages they shared are in turn being shared many times over, building the momentum needed to effect real change.

We are committed to supporting the pledges created on the day and we know you are too.

“Start where you are. Use what you have. Do what you can.” – Arthur Ashe

If you don’t already have regular contact with children and young people who access services in the Place you work, we would love you to consider making the time to make these connections and continue the conversations you started at the conference.

We will continue to make connections with all the different spaces where children and young people’s engagement and participation work takes place. We are committed to ensuring the voices of the many are heard, locally and nationally.

Artwork by Georgie Lee of Nicola Ennis holding a microphone

Final Words

Its one thing to say we want children and young people to be at the heart of all we do and is quite another to turn the statement into an everyday action. Not only did this year’s Children and Young People’s Alliance Conference see the young people shaping the day’s events and leading workshops, it also shone a light on all the ways the workforce in each Place empower young people day in and day out.

Working with multiple partners from all across South Yorkshire and co-creating a day that ensured young people took centre stage and felt empowered to share exactly what they wanted the South Yorkshire leaders to hear was quite amazing.

The unified atmosphere and the openness of all those who attended was incredible. It is my strong belief that working together, creating change side by side, is the only way forward to build trusted relationships and sustainable, transformational change where all South Yorkshire children and young people can live healthier, happier lives.

Nicola Ennis, Children and Young People's Alliance Programme Director