
What is contraception?

Contraception refers to the methods that are used to prevent pregnancy. Some methods of contraception (condoms and internal condoms) can also be used to prevent sexually transmitted infections (STIs).

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Brook operates a number of sexual health and wellbeing services across the UK and they are committed to supporting young people. 

Here's their page on contraception.

Types of contraception

There is a range of different contraceptive options currently available and the type that works best for you will depend on your health and circumstances.

Some types of contraception are for men, some are for women, although certain people may not cope well with different types of contraception, they are recommended to anyone who is sexually active and not seeking a pregnancy. 

You can start by finding out about the methods of contraception you can choose from, including how they work, who can use them and possible side effects. 

To find out about the different methods and which is the right one for you please visit the Brook page on contraception.



Where can I get free contraception?

Contraception is FREE on the NHS for all ages so you won’t have to pay anything. You can get it from a range of places including Brook services, other young people’s services, GP surgeries, GUM or sexual health clinics and family planning services.

Here are direct links to sexual services websites across the region