
Sensory Services across South Yorkshire


Barnsley Specialist Children's Health Services

Specialist services and information on all sensory issues


01226 644396



Sensory Sensitivies and Autism

Information about the link between autism and sensory sensitivities from Barnsley Support Team

Rotherham & Doncaster

RDaSH service providing information about sensory needs and what can help


Sensory Service supporting with information about all sensory issues for families, children, young people and professionals

Sensory Overload

Where to go

Toddle About  - listings of sensory activities across South Yorkshire

Sensory for Babies in Barnsley - 0-1 & 1+ at Playmania 

Sensory & Story in Sheffield

Baby Sensory Rotherham

Baby Sensory Doncaster



More Resources

A Sensory Life - Comprehensive website of resources to support understanding around sensory issues and practical ideas