Children with torsion need to be operated in the first hospital they reach. This is evidence based and will improve outcomes for children and young people and is vital to stop unnecessary movement of children within our ICS. Assessing and decision making can be daunting for those not used to working with children. We have this training video to help. It is designed for post graduate doctors, who find themselves responsible for the care of children with the acute scrotum, who may not work in a tertiary paediatric centre. This pathway reflects the upcoming NCEPOD report for torsion in children, and is ahead of the curve for the upcoming GIRFT recommendations.
Further Resources on Urology from Sheffield Children's NHS Foundation Trust

Best Practice Pathway for Testicular Torsion
GIRFT has brought together a multi-disciplinary group of more than 50 NHS colleagues – comprising urologists, paediatric surgeons, general surgeons, anaesthetists, emergency care physicians, radiologists and Operational Delivery Network (ODN) leads – to build a national consensus pathway for best practice in the management of acute testicular pain.
A video for families and those in primary or health education about the normal development of children’s penis and foreskin