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Tantrums tend to start between two and three years old, although they can start earlier. During a tantrum, a child will often shout, scream and cry. They may also kick, hit or bite. Tantrums are very common and almost all young children have them - some more than others. This is a normal phase of your child's development.

Published on: Monday 18 January 2021

Fits, Faints and Funny Turns Paediatric Pathway

Advice for professionals

Published on: Thursday 28 January 2021

Milk and soya free diets for babies

Why a milk and soya free diet?

Around 3% of children develop Cow's Milk Protein Allergy. Some children who are allergic to cow's milk protein are also allergic to soya protein so this may need to be excluded from the diet too. It can take longer for children to recover, but many 'grow out' of cow's milk and soya protein allergy. This information will help you avoid cow's milk and soya whilst making sure your baby gets all the nutrition they need to grow and develop well.

Published on: Monday 22 October 2018

Drugs and Alcohol

Published on: Monday 17 January 2022

Home Booklet

Published on: Thursday 24 November 2022