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Barnsley Family Centres

Family hubs deliver joined-up early help services for children from pre-birth up to 19 years (or 25 years if the young person has a disability). They bring together practitioners from a range of universal, targeted and specialist services in each local area, including schools, police, social care, private and voluntary sector and some adult services.

Published on: Thursday 18 July 2024

Family Hubs

Doncaster Family Hubs are designed to bring services together to work with families from conception, through childhood and into adolescence (0 -18 years and 25 years SEND) to deliver an integrated local offer.

Published on: Thursday 18 July 2024

Children with Additional Needs

Almost all children can learn to be clean and dry. Children with special needs including delayed development and physical disabilities may take a little longer and need more support. However, the process you need to follow is the same.

Published on: Wednesday 7 August 2024


Published on: Tuesday 5 September 2017

Eating Difficulties

Published on: Wednesday 20 September 2017