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In-car Safety

Twelve children under 10 are killed or injured as passengers in cars every day. Car seats prevent deaths and serious injury.

Published on: Thursday 28 December 2023

Nicola Ennis

I am the Programme Lead for the CYP Alliance team. I’m responsible for leading the CYP Alliance core team and the delivery of the NHS England CYP Transformation programme. I know we can only achieve this if we work in partnership therefore my main objective is to work collaboratively across our system. I support the development of a strategic approach to how children and young people receive services that support their needs and can achieve their ambitions in life. It is important to me to make every connection count.

Published on: Wednesday 31 January 2024

Child Accident Prevention Trust

Published on: Wednesday 17 July 2024

Report Hate Crime

What is hate crime?
The police will record any crime as a hate crime where the victim or any other person perceives it was motivated by hostility or prejudice towards their identity

Published on: Thursday 18 July 2024

Safer online dating - Think You Know

Think You Know - As your child gets older they will start to be interested in romantic relationships. Online spaces are one of the places they can meet, flirt and start relationships. Whilst you may have some worries about your child dating online, there are lots of things you can do to support them to be safer.
Talk together about what a healthy relationship looks like
The qualities of healthy relationships should be the same online as they are in-person. Help your child to think about what qualities are important to them in a relationship and how they can spot them online.

Published on: Thursday 18 July 2024