Public Transport


Buses & Trams

Travel South Yorkshire have some great information to help you and those around you keep safe as you travel on buses or trams:

Waiting for the bus or tram at the stop / station
  • Let someone know when you’re leaving and what time you’re due to arrive
  • Pay attention to your surroundings and be respectful of other people waiting with you
  • If wearing headphones keep the volume low so you can hear the traffic and other things around you
  • Keep your valuables out of sight, phones are a target for thieves
  • Stick to well-lit areas where possible
  • Stand away from the kerb or the edge of the platform
  • Make sure the bus tram or train has stopped before boarding
  • Make sure you have got enough money to get home if it’s a return journey
Keep safe
  • Try to sit near the driver
  • If you are being harassed consider moving to another seat or closer to other passengers
  • Report bullying to your parents or school, bullies can be banned from the bus
  • Look up, you’ll probably spot the CCTV cameras which are recording all the time
  • Make public transport safer for everyone by reporting incidents.
  • Visit the Safety page for more information. 
  • Don’t distract the driver
  • Stay seated where possible, only stand if there are no seats but hold onto the handrail, don’t stand upstairs, on the stairs or to the side of the driver
  • Place schoolbags, out of the way, don’t block any exits or aisles
  • Keep any valuables out of sight, if you don’t need them, don’t take them
  • Pay attention to the safety notices
  • Take rubbish with you
  • Don't put your feet on the seats
  • No smoking, it is a fire hazard and illegal
Getting off safely
  • Before leaving the tram or bus, look back to see if you have left behind any valuables 
  • Stand clear of doors when they are closing
  • Cross the road at a pedestrian crossing, wait for the bus to leave before you cross. If there is not a crossing nearby, cross the road where you have a clear view of all traffic.
  • Give crossing the road 100% of your attention, texting or listening to music will distract you
  • If you need to cross a railway track, use a crossing!
  • Keep your ticket, you might need the information if you lose something

[Text from Travel South Yorkshire]


The British Transport Police have a fantastic free app to support your safety when travelling on the railway. Additionally, below they provide useful information to help keep you safe on the rail network.

Download Railway Guardian App    railway guardian.png    google play store.png    apple store.png

The free Railway Guardian app is an all-in-one safety app from the British Transport Police. The app allows you to report crimes or concerns on the rail network, share your journeys with trusted contacts, and get access to news, guides, or support.

We want you to feel safe and empowered when you travel, and by downloading the Railway Guardian app, help is always at hand if you need it.

Guidance for Train travel

We would always prefer children and young people to be accompanied by a responsible adult when travelling on the railway, but we realise there may be times when your child has to travel alone or with a group of friends.

The railway can be a dangerous place. You can help to prepare them. Talk to them before their journey about how to stay safe on and near the railway and what to do in an emergency.

Planning ahead
  • Write down or text them details of their departure and arrival stations, train times and who will meet them.
  • Make sure their phone is fully charged and they know who to call in an emergency.
  • Save the British Transport Police text number 61016 in their phone and explain that they can text the police if they need help on their journey.
  • Tell them to always call 999 in an emergency.
  • Teach them how to use help points at stations or on platforms before their journey.
Safety rules
  • Stick together and look out for each other if they are in a group
  • Keep away from the platform edge
  • Never touch, walk along or take a shortcut over train tracks
  • Listen carefully to station or on-board announcements and follow any instructions
  • Find and talk to a member of rail staff or a police officer if they need help on a train or station.


[Text by British Transport Police]

Tickets and Passes

Zoom passes in South Yorkshire enable cheaper fares.

Disabled Children and Young People

Zoom Zero passes are available to those who are eligible, often those children who have a disability or an EHCP. Apply to your local council in the first instance.



