Health Visitor

The Healthy Child Programme is designed to offer every family support in making healthy choices. It includes immunisations, health information, developmental reviews, and access to a range of community services and resources.

Pregnancy and the first five years of life are one of the most important stages in life, as this is when the foundations of future health and wellbeing are laid down. The Healthy Child Programme is delivered and supported by the 0-19 teams, led by health visitors and school nurses during this phase.

The Healthy Child Progamme continues to be delivered and supported by School Nursing teams once your child starts school.

If you have any worries about your baby’s or toddler’s development talk to your health visitor, even if it is some time since the last regular visit, or some time since you’ve had contact with the 0-19 team. Anyone from the team can come to your home to talk through any concerns you have and can put you in touch with the people who can help if there are problems.

What can I expect from my 0-19 team?

There are key times which you can expect to have contact from the 0-19 team. This universal service offered to every family includes:

Within your locality there are a variety of ways that the 0-19 team can be in contact. You can check with your 0-19 service where the community venues can be found. 

You will be able to discuss any aspect of your child's growth and development or family's health and well-being.

There may be the opportunity to have your child weighed.