Continence - Sheffield
Health Visiting & School Nursing Team
Duty School Nurse can offer advice and support on continence concerns.
Sheffield Children's NHS Urology Team
Here you can find a link and introduction to the service and contact details
The Community Continence Team
GPs, health visitors, school nurses and secondary care professionals can refer to community service.
The Community Continence Team support children under 16 from Sheffield with any of the following:
1. Bedwetting from age 6 if there has been no response to professional advice regarding bladder training and other basic night wetting advice for three months.
2. Day-time wetting from age four if advice has been given for three months regarding increasing drinks and regular toileting and their GP has excluded constipation and urinary tract infections.
3. Constipation when not responding to treatment by their GP for three months.
4. Soiling when not responding to treatment by their GP for three months.
5. Toilet training problems from age four for children with special needs, after adequate input and supervision from their GP, health visitor or MAST support workers.
Telephone number
Community Continence 0114 2717717
School Nursing Contience 0114 3053284 or 0114 3053586